"If an NPI number is present at the provider or practice level, XX is sent.
If a value is not present but the employer identification number is, then 24 is sent.
If this value is not present but the social security number is present, then 34 is sent.
The appropriate grid entry for NPI, employer identification number, or social security number is selected by the rules engine.
If Provider, Default Pins tab, National Identifier or if Provider Class, National Identifier has a value, send XX.
If EDI Receiver, Extras tab, Entity Type is Person, then look at the Provider, Default Pins tab.
If Federal Tax ID Indicator is selected, send 24.
If Federal Tax ID Indicator is not selected, send 34.
If EDI Receiver, Extras tab, Entity Type is Non-Person, then send 24."
"If an NPI number is present at the provider or practice level, send that value.
If a value is not present but the employer identification number is, then send that value.
If this value is not present but the social security number is present, then send that value.
The appropriate grid entry for NPI, employer identification number, or social security number is selected by the rules engine.
If Provider, Default Pins tab, National Identifier has a value, send the value in that field.
If Provider Class, National Identifier has a value, then send the value in the field.
If EDI Receiver, Extras tab, Entity Type is Person, send Provider, Default Pins tab, SSN/Federal Tax ID.
If EDI Receiver, Extras tab, Entity Type is Non-Person, send Practice Information, Federal Tax ID."